Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Why are you going to India?

Intro to Alex in India

                As I sat in my first day of a class I thought ‘sounded cool’ called Design for Sustainable Development at the University of Minnesota, I couldn’t have imagined that it would lead to where I am sitting right now. 

 I mean, the professors told me that it could have happened, but our team needed to win the so called ACARA Challenge and to (what sounded to me like) solve world hunger.  Yeah, right.  A few weeks into the program we couldn’t plan a group meeting, much less develop a business solution to solve poverty in India.

                Well, I’m writing this because I’m sitting in a guest house in New Delhi, India to further a project, not to solve world hunger, but hopefully supply some green, cheap cooking fuel to people who make the equivalent of 1 or 2 US dollars a day.   Here is a quick video:

                I will be In India until July 22 to answer one question:  Will this work?  If yes, then we/I would come back to the US find investors, and hopefully set up plans to return to India and build a biogas plant.

                But starting a biogas business to help the poor is only the start.  Spiritually, India is in great need.   In a society that is built heavily on a domineering caste system, India is 74% Hindu, 15% Muslim and 6% Christian.

                I really look forward to getting involved in a Church/ministry during my time here to learn about how the Gospel is moving here.  I’m just starting to get a feel for what it is like spiritually here, and what people believe. Please pray for my relationships with my teammates, friends and business contacts here.

There is so much to share, but I first wanted to just give a little intro!  More to come about my travels and adventures soon.

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