Sunday, May 20, 2012

Motherly Longings (um... not my motherly longings)

To all of my lady friends who want to be, but are not yet mothers:

Mother’s day was just a week ago, and I was listening to what Matt Chandler preached on that day.  He mentioned something about mother’s day and it made me think of multiple single lady friends that I have. It blew my mind.

Chandler said that since he has become a pastor, he has found that mother’s day isn’t always happiness, chocolates and roses.  Many non-mothers struggle with mother’s day because of their longing and waiting to care for a family is not yet fulfilled.  There is a profound idea in scripture that I hope will bring great encouragement.

Take it back to the start of human kind.  Adam was charged to name all of the animals under the sun.  He did, but he never really found any of them to be that intimate friend he needed (sorry dog lovers).  Thus, God creates the woman.  

Okay, so later Adam specifically names Eve: Genesis 3:20 “And Adam called his wife’s name Eve, because she was the mother of all living.” What? That’s interesting, notice that she is called the 'mother of all living', but she isn’t actually a mother yet.  We see this because a few verses later she has Cain: Genesis 4:1 “Now Adam knew Eve his wife and she conceived and bore Cain...” (insert biblical sex joke).  So, get this, Eve was called a mother before she had any kids.

This has profound implications.  Women were created to be mothers, even if they don’t have kids.  How can this be? Here is a simple example: My friend and I lead 2 groups of teenagers in a discipleship/leadership camp last summer.  Within a few days, both groups started to call my friend “mom”.  I wondered why this happened.  She hadn’t been overly ‘motherly’ to either of the groups, and it’s not like these high-schoolers were missing their moms. 

It’s simple, girls are natural mothers.  If you find yourself wanting to be a mom, you don’t have to keep carrying that burden and waiting.  Start to be a mom now.  Find kids (or peers for that matter) in the church, in the family of Christ, and care for them; take them under your wing… and, you know, those other motherly things that I don’t know much about – do them!  There are plenty of orphans around you every day, many of whom physically have parents around, but not spiritually or emotionally.  You, like Eve, are already the mother of someone who needs you.  Find them, and love them!

(Find Matt Chandlers sermon at the Village Church podcast on 5/13/12)